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12/01/2013 - First review for Chromasphere iOS is in!​
appgamers.de have just posted a review of Chromashere for iOS. 4.5/5
Thank you, appgamers.de and Boris for giving us the heads up!

11/01/2013 - Chromasphere released on iOS
Chromasphere is now available as an universal app on the itunes Appstore.

25/05/2012 - Chromasphere reviewed on Crackberry.com
First video review for Chromasphere appeared on Crackberry,com on Friday. Watch the video below or follow this link to Crackberry.com article.

24/05/2012 - Chromasphere v1.0.410 released
We've added an autocam control to make navigating the levels in Chromasphere far easier. Multiple playtests indicated to us that people would miss the info about controlling the camera or choose not to use it and then find sections of the levels frustrating because they were moving towards the camera. Extra fine roll-speed controls have been added too.

15/04/2012 - Chromasphere v1.0.361 released
We've had several requested to make changes to the sphere's control sensitivity and we listened! A new slider called "Speed" in the options menu allows the player to vary the sphere's speed from "Casual" to "Pro".

14/04/2012 - Chromasphere v1.0.3521 released
*Removes unnecessary rights added as part of introduction of Leadbolt advertising - total number reduced from 12 to 6​

13/04/2012 - Chromasphere v1.0.3520 released
Full Version:
*Incorrect medal times on levels 3-6 and 4-1 fixed.
*Fixed issue with besttimes for new levels not being saved.
Free version:
*new level added
*new full version level previews
*leadbolt advertising notifications and free apps link

06/04/2012 - Chromasphere v1.0.3510 released
​*Incorrect medal times on levels 3-6 and 4-1 fixed.
*Fixed issue with besttimes for new levels not being saved.​

05/04/2012 - Chromasphere v1.0.350 released
​(Full version only)
*New level added - world 4-1.
*Improvements to framerates on most levels.
*Alternative camera control option added.
*Updated UVs on some models.

12/03/2012 - Chromasphere v1.0.310 released
*New level added to lite and full versions.
*Fix for poor quality fonts on tablets.
*Minor improvements to menu presentation.
*UI bug fixes.
